Leadership Coaching

Enhancing Mindsets, Overcoming Obstacles, Achieving Goals

Devoted to supporting individuals, teams and organisations grow. Through coaching, I support reflection, challenge thinking and empower clients to take action and move forward with optimism and clarity.

Tim Salvadori - Leadership Coach

As an ILM 5 Qualified Coach, a Headteacher, a Local Authority Advisor, an Advanced Skills Teacher and a Professional Partner for colleagues in leadership, I have always believed passionately in the importance of developing and supporting growth in others through coaching.

My background allows me to understand the joys and challenges of leadership. I have witnessed first hand the profound impact that coaching has had on my own personal development and also the immense benefits coaching can have in empowering and motivating colleagues.


  • My work with Tim has made a significant difference to my practice. His gentle, yet probing coaching style made me realise I was being my own barrier to making changes. The question I was asking myself, ‘Does this need to happen?’ changed to ‘How do I make this happen?’ My confidence in my own judgements and decision making has increased hugely since starting coaching sessions. I cannot recommend him enough!



  • Tim’s performance over his period of employment with me was exemplary. He was able to draw on the high-level skills needed to build confidence in a headteacher, establish trust and empower leaders to make positive change.

    Alice McShane

    School Effectiveness Lead

    Devon County Council

  • Tim takes a very caring and professional approach. He is a very good listener and responds with empathy and good use of questioning to skilfully allow colleagues to unburden and share things they may not feel able to talk to others about, particularly leaders or managers within their organisation. Tim works with a portfolio of 40 school leaders. External review of the service last year demonstrated a significant valuing of the support provided from across the network. Leaders have said they feel empowered and more able to face the challenges.

    David Barnett

    Lead Professional Partner

    Devon School Leadership Services

Why GrowCoach?

My coaching sessions provide a safe and confidential space to talk with someone who listens, empathises and challenges but with an unconditional positive regard.  I can help you:

  • Refresh your mindset, celebrate achievements and make improvements to support your wellbeing and work / life balance.

  • Renew your confidence, feel empowered and own the way forward.

  • Build resilience and develop strategies to overcome challenges and achieve goals.

  • Improve your knowledge of self and develop authentic leadership.

  • Leave sessions with renewed optimism, clarity of thought and a readiness to act.

Is GrowCoach for you?

Email me at:

or use the link below to get in touch for a free consultation.